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Filtering by Category: art

artist feature: les lalannes sheep

Emily Oster

Les Lalannes sheep via Agent of Style

Les Lalannes sheep via Agent of Style

A couple of days ago, I was scrolling through the new Lonny issue when I came across a flock of sheep. Yes - sheep, a beautiful herd of sculpted sheep by the husband and wife artist duo of Francois-Xavier Lalanne (1927-2008) and Claude Lalanne (b.1924). Creating works under the name of Les Lalannes, the duo collaborated to create surrealist pieces that often reference animals and the botanical. The flocks of bronze and wool sheep are new to me but I have seen images of their other most iconic piece - the rhino desk. 

Lalanne sheep stool and Rhinocretaire desk via Apartment Therapy

Lalanne sheep stool and Rhinocretaire desk via Apartment Therapy

The sheep are by far my favorite of their works. I think they would be amazing in any setting especially if there were multiples - sort of like these examples. 

Lalanne sheep via Apartment Therapy

Lalanne sheep via Apartment Therapy

Lalanne sheep via Apartment Therapy

Lalanne sheep via Apartment Therapy

Seeing as a singular sheep goes for the hundreds of thousands of dollars at auction, I don't think I will ever be able to have a flock of my own. However, REMODELISTA did a feature about stand-ins for the "elusive Lalanne sheep sculptures" and while surely not the same could be pretty amazing. These are my favorite - $375 each.

Rocking sheep from Baby Geared

Rocking sheep from Baby Geared

maddie on things

Emily Oster

Festive Maddie by Theron Humphrey

Festive Maddie by Theron Humphrey

Jeff and I are huge dog lovers and I think it would be a fair assessment to say we are a bit obsessed with Booker. My love for dogs started at a very young age and I even proclaimed to my parents that when I grew up I wanted to live on a mountain with just my dogs - clearly an introvert from a young age. I had dogs as a kid and loved all of them but I have to say Booker is like my child or as we call him our toddler. He is full of energy, can be rather "emotional" and craves attention above all else (except maybe his kibble and his frisbee). For all these reasons, this is why I think Maddie and Theron's story is so amazing. Maddie is a coonhound and Theron is her owner/photographer. After adopting Maddie just two years ago, Theron discovered that she had incredible balance and patience. With this finding, he started photographing Maddie across the country in unusual and usual places while working on a documentary. This past Spring, Maddie on Things the book was realized and the pair have spent the past months on a book tour. Unfortunately, I did not get to meet Maddie and Theron while they were in St. Louis but their book is definitely on my Christmas list. I think every photo of Maddie is pretty great but below are some of my favorites. To learn more about Maddie and Theron visit their website or buy their book!

Maddie by Theron Humphrey