artist feature: madeline denaro — THE PLACE HOME

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artist feature: madeline denaro

Emily Oster

walk away 2 by madeline denaro - 2011

walk away 2 by madeline denaro - 2011

Madeline Denaro is a Fort Lauderdale based artist who's work is "very much about process". She describes her paintings more about the experience of making and remaking rather then an end intention or final product. I like her work for its color and sense of form. Enjoy!

Nimbus by Madeline Denaro - 2010

Nimbus by Madeline Denaro - 2010

Everything Gets Turned Around by Madeline Denaro - 2010

Everything Gets Turned Around by Madeline Denaro - 2010

Tossing Compliments by Madeline Denaro - 2012

Tossing Compliments by Madeline Denaro - 2012

Fidgets, Frolics and Fantasies by Madeline Denaro - 2014

Fidgets, Frolics and Fantasies by Madeline Denaro - 2014

Breath Series (maize) by Madeline Denaro - 2008

Breath Series (maize) by Madeline Denaro - 2008