new collections at biscuit home — THE PLACE HOME

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new collections at biscuit home

Emily Oster

Biscuit Home, one of my favorite sources for patterned bedding, is just out with three new collections. The Austin in Pink, the Wimberley in Coral, and the Bloomsbury in Periwinkle. I have long admired the Austin in Blue and while, I am not a super pink girl, I like the girly pink contrasted in the more relaxed and cool splatter paint pattern. 

Austin in Blue collection via Biscuit Home | THE PLACE HOME

Austin in Blue collection via Biscuit Home | THE PLACE HOME

Austin in Pink collection via Biscuit Home | THE PLACE HOME

Austin in Pink collection via Biscuit Home | THE PLACE HOME

The Wimberley doesn't photograph quite as easily as the Austin and I wish there were more zoomed in photos of the pattern. That being said, I really love the wildflower pattern in both the original color and now the new. 

Wimberley via Biscuit Home | THE PLACE HOME

Wimberley via Biscuit Home | THE PLACE HOME

Wimberley in Coral via Biscuit Home | THE PLACE HOME

Wimberley in Coral via Biscuit Home | THE PLACE HOME

The final new addition, Bloomsbury in Periwinkle, is the third available colorway for this particular pattern. Bloomsbury is one of my favorite patterns so I was super excited to see it in such bright and pretty colors. 

Bloomsbury in Periwinkle via Biscuit Home | THE PLACE HOME

Bloomsbury in Periwinkle via Biscuit Home | THE PLACE HOME

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