big news
Emily Oster
Its been roughly three weeks since my last blog post and wow how the time has just disappeared. Because.....SURPRISE we welcomed our little girl Jane Elizabeth into the world on May 4th! She came just 24 minutes before her Cinco de Mayo due date and we have been in baby bliss mode every since. I had grand intentions of getting this post out at least a week ago but between being on the newborn time warp machine and Jeff getting appendicitis its been quite a busy May.
Leading up to Jane's arrival, I had been working on preparing a back log of posts to share while I slowly return to our new normal. About half of the posts center on the design of Jane's nursery which is just about finished. The other half of the posts detail my SECOND SURPRISE - our first floor renovation! That's right we actually did it and it turned out even better than I had hoped. I will be sharing the play by play phases of our renovation - demo, framing, paint etc. - concluding with a grand reveal! It might still be a little slow around here for the next couple weeks but hopefully you all will enjoy these two special series I have planned.
Happy May!
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resource review: the distinctive home - part 2
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